Monday, January 29, 2007

Ms. Zadie

Wow, she has grown so much since I first got her (she was only a month old). She's five months old now, but only around 4lbs.


Doug said...

Mmmmmmmm, caramel-flavored chihuahua. Sorry, I'm Asian.

Jimmi said...

Ohhh she is so cute! I want one!!

Anonymous said...

Damn! Even the rats are bigger in Texas.

Daddy Cool said...

aaw, look how big she's getting.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Zadie is precious, and only 4lbs, so tiny. Perfect size for your fanny pack! lol.
I used to have a chihuahua/russell terrier mix. They're cute dogs.

J. David Zacko-Smith said...


Ever notice that it's the pictures of dogs and naked men that get the most comments?