Friday, February 16, 2007


Last night at the gym I was watching CNN (or one of the other news channels, it's all they display) while doing my cardio. Apparently, peanut butter is the new contimanited product to watch out for. More than 300 people in 39 states have been infected w/ salmonella, w/ the majority of them being hospitalized. Yada yada yada. I didn't really give it a second thought because I don't consume much peanut butter and I definitely don't purchase the brand(s) affected.

A few minutes ago, I'm working and minding my own business when a co-worker enters the set of pods next to mine. We have an open office environment, so low walls means you can hear and see way too much stuff. You also can't hide too well. but I digress. This co-worker walked up to her group and announces that she had purchased tainted peanut butter. My first moment of disbelief is that she purchased six pounds of it. That's more than my dog weighs. Okay, most things weigh more than my dog does, but still. Six pounds? Seriously? I won't mention that she is overweight...oops, I just did. I mean, if she's buying six pounds of peanut butter, then I can only imagine what other unnecessary items are being purchased in pounds. Again, I digress.

So she walks up to the group and says, "Well, I got the tainted peanut butter. And I'll tell you what, I had a bout of it up here yesterday." So this "it" she is referring to having a bout of is diarrhea. Yeah, I really didn't want to hear about her bowel movements so early in the morning, I mean, I haven't even had my morning cup of coffee yet. But wait, she doesn't stop there. She keeps going on at length. I'll spare you the details, but it involved phrases such as "I was in there for a while" and "I thought I was going to die." This was all said nonchalantly. I think it's great that she feels like she can be so open with the people, but there's a limit to what people can stomach (pardon the pun).


The Persian said...

I don't like Peanut Butter so much. I mean it's ok as an ingredient in something like candy but plain? ehk

I guess it's because my mother never liked it much either and I didn't have a peanut butter & Jelly Sandwich until I was in college.

I don't get people who discuss things like your co-worker in public! Gross.

And where is she finding 6 pounds of that anywhere? Costco?

Have a great weekend!

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

Oh, I have you beaten - when I used to take the bus to work there was a guy who enjoyed talking on his cell phone, LOUDLY, to the medical clinic he would go to about all his health issues - and LORD! Did he ever have issues. *YUCK*

GayProf said...

Uh -- Who needs that much peanut butter? It sounds like your office needs to plan an intervention.

Joshua said...

Um, if this lady had really gotten tainted peanut butter, she wouldn't be at the office talking about it. She'd be in the hospital with salmonella. She probably got the runs from eating too much PB!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't understand people who have to go into details about their bowel movements. Even typing the words make me want to Yak...

Benji said...

and now... dole's melons. wtf.

Anonymous said...

First off, the tainted peanut butter was made October and the people who got sick are better now. Secondly, I don't think it was sold in Texas. And lastly, her symptoms don't add up.

Chox said...

When I was a drone I remember hanging out in the kitchen of our office, gulping cups of hyper-caffeinated coffee, and shooting the shit with my co-workers when this Canadian temp we had came bursting in and told us - in explicit detail - about her diarrhea. Thing is, she kept eye contact with ME the entire time, and I had to keep a straight face while my co-workers tried to stifle their laughter.

Then she said, "You know how sometimes when you have the squirts your farts smell real funny?"

I had absolutely no idea what to say, other than "I wear a colostomy bag and have no sense of smell."

Yet another example of people telling me about their poop. I just don't get it.