Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Not A Day Too Soon

While I had known the the name, the first time I was properly (or, rather, musically) introduced to Sia was during that Starbucks/iTunes cross-promotion. One of her new tracks, Day Too Soon, was one of the free tracks. I had a feeling I was going to like it, but I was not prepared for what an incredible force her voice is. Okay, maybe it's not the greatest thing ever, but I just wasn't expecting it. It doesn't hurt that the song is as sappy as they come.

Her latest album, Some People Have Real Problems, released today, proves to be breathtaking and refreshing. Known primarily for her collaborations with Zero 7 and her song Breathe Me playing at the conclusion of Six Feet Under, this latest solo venture will more than likely introduce her to a much wider audience. Do yourself a favour and go buy this album.

Take a listen to the track Little Black Sandals (about walking out of an abusive relationship) for just a glimpse into what she has to offer:

You like that, huh? Well then hop over to Amazon.com and pick yourself up a copy. Can't wait that long? Go to iTunes and download it now using the link below:


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