Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who's Your Daddy?

My Blakey stepped it up a few notches from last week's lackluster performance and proved he's the one to beat...as far as the men go. Maybe it's just cause I'm sweet on him, but I think he did extremely well tonight. The song was well suited for him and he definitely made it contemporary.

I don't think I'm the only one who has a little crush on Blakey. Has anyone else noticed Ryan Seacrest gets a little touchy-feely around him? Hmmm...

Anyway, if you missed it or just want to watch it again, here's video of his performance:


J. David Zacko-Smith said...

I WISH Ryan Seacrest would just COME OUT - the guy is at LEAST bi, if not queer. Don't worry Ryan, the teenage girls would still yell and scream, AND you'd get some more boys to scream, too (I think Ryan is a hottie).

Adam said...

This was a very good impersonation of Sting. I live by this maxim: If you beat box, you are a douche.

The real question is when is this kid going to come out? Or will he be the next Gaiken?

Anonymous said...

Blake is a cutie. I also like the kid from the Fro Patro too, he's kinda quirky.

Jordan is from Phoenix, and I think she's going all the way! Such a great voice and presence.