Wednesday, August 02, 2006


As we enter the month of August, I’m forced to reflect on the past twelve months of my life. I’m just going to list what I’ve done, because if I try to write about it I’ll say a lot more than I probably should.

• One year ago this month I ended a three year relationship (my first). He is an alcoholic who was dragging me down w/ him.

• I met the love of my life and experience true happiness for the first time in my life.

• Broke up with said love, but he’s still my best friend, so it isn’t as bad as it could be.

• Rekindled my passion for drawing

• Came out of my social shell and have met some amazing people as a result…especially Adam, Brad and Kim.

• Started a blog thanks to Adam (although, sadly, he just stopped his)

• I’ve become more confident in myself…although I have a long way to go.

There’s a lot more that has happened in between, but I focused on the highlights. This year was all about recovery. I had been in a relationship with an alcoholic who scared off the majority of my friends, and that I allowed to wreck havoc upon my self esteem. I took things slow (well, in most respects), although I plan on stepping it up a few notches over the next twelve months.

Okay, enough rambling.

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