Friday, August 25, 2006

At The Car Wash

If you live in the Dallas area and have a messy car (or clean even), let the local (and gay) rugby team, Dallas Diablos, scrub your car clean. They'll be hot, sweaty and, best of all, shirtless! A friend of mine is on the team, so I can assure there is at least one good looker in the bunch...although there are plenty of others from what I've seen.

The car wash is tomorrow, August 26. Scrubbing starts at 11am and continues until 4pm. It will be held at the paid parking lot known as Central Park near the corner of Throckmorton and Cedar Springs Road.

Suggested donation is $5 for cars and $10 for oversized vehicles.

All proceeds will benefit AIDS Arms' Peabody Health Center:

On Sunday, July 9, 2006, the Peabody Health Center (a service of AIDS Arms), the only HIV clinic in South Dallas, was vandalized and suffered major water damage, thus displacing 635 patients who have no other means for medical care. The clinic is temporarily closed and all staff and patients have been relocated to the administrative offices of AIDS Arms in Oak Cliff. Repairs and restoration for the clinic will exceed insurance coverage by $15,000.

So, if you live in Dallas, take your car to get cleaned. Clean car, hot shirtless guys and all profits are going to charity...everyone wins!

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