Wednesday, June 27, 2007


You remember that boy I took out to dinner last week? Prior to the dinner I had offered him one of my two desks that I will be disposing of before my move. Well, I saw him out Sunday evening as I normally do, and all he could do was muster up a wave. Couldn't be bothered to walk five feet to say hello properly.

Earlier this afternoon, out of nowhere, I receive a text message from him asking me how I'm doing. I replied letting him know I was well. He responded by asking me if I was still getting rid of the desk. Oh, and then he through in a "I'm going out for a drink, will you be out?" He couldn't be bothered with hanging out with me on our date, so why would he think that I would believe he actually wanted to hang out w/ me tonight?

If all he wanted was the desk, he could have just asked for it and left it at that. Don't try to act like you're my friend still. Unfortunately, I'm too nice. I promised him the desk, so I'll give him the desk.

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