I've been absent for the past several days. It wasn't for a lack of material to post, I just felt like a few days away from blogging. But now I'm back.
Young Love is a song I've been meaning to post here for some time, but I just never got around to it until now. It's from a hot new artist with a knack for performing in high heels and make-up (which really isn't all that uncommon if you really think about it). His real name is Oskar Humlebo, but he's better known as Moto Boy. While it's not his first single, it's the one that has brought him widespread acclaim across the blogosphere as of late. And for good reason. It's a simple, beautiful pop song about love that sweeps you up and keeps you hooked. But don't take my word for it, judge for yourself.
For more on this artist, check him out on MySpace. Support the artist via iTunes:
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