Sunday, April 16, 2006

Bless Their Hearts

I am a native Texan. I've managed to avoid sayings like 'Y'All' and 'Fixin' to'. However, there is one southern saying that I haven't been able to shake, and that is 'Bless his/her/their heart(s)'. I find myself saying it far more often than I probably should be, but most of the time it really does apply. Case in point...every year on Easter, they have Easter In The Park in Lee Park here in Dallas. At this event, they have a Pooch Parade, where people dress their dogs up in ridiculous (yet adorable) costumes and then show them off in a parade. It's just like gay pride, except w/ dogs...although a lot of the owners got into the act as well.

This was the first year that I have actually been able to go, and I was in the company of the always enjoyable Adam ( The Krebs Cycle ) & Brad!

Now for the'll be able to tell why I was saying 'bless their heart' all morning, even if most of them really seemed to be enjoying themselves:

1 comment:

VJnet said...

Bless your heart :)