Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Keep It To Yourself

My sister just let me in on something, so, naturally, I'm going to blab about it here. She is getting married! It isn't official yet, but that is only because her boyfriend wants to be all proper about it and ask our biological father and step-father for their permission in person. Since he is in Baltimore and our dads are in Houston, TX, he has to arrange a trip down there. So, for now, I'm the only one on my sister's side to know about the pending nuptials. She obviously told the wrong person since I'm a Sag and can't keep a secret! Eh, none of my readers are family, and, if they know my mother, then they know to keep their mouths shut!

It'll be an October ceremony in Las Vegas! You know I'm looking forward to that...

Just thought I would post some good news is back to work for me.

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