Monday, July 23, 2007

It Never Ends

They were bad last night, but my allergies have kicked it up a few notches today. I have been blowing my nose non-stop since waking up, and yet my head continues to feel more and more congested. It's like it's about to explode. Of course, I'm out of my Allegra-D, and, even if I could get a refill without having to pay my doctor another visit, I still can't afford the $30. Yeah, I'm on a fixed income until August.

Aside from feeling like shit, I'm sure I smell like shit (not literally, of course). I woke up to find that building management had shut the water off to do some repairs. I knew this was going to occur and purposely woke up early; however, they turned it off 20 minutes early. I was forced to take a bath at the sink w/ what little water I could get.

So please forgive me if I sound a little bitchy today.


Anonymous said...

Don't apologize. I understand. Last week my air conditioner was down for 3 hot and hellish days.

Hope you have water soon!

And by the way, which Golden Girl are you?

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

You have reason to be bitchy, dude.

Hey - try over the counter drugs - Alavert works well for me (even better then the prescription stuff), and it's $5.99.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy. I feel for you. You should hit up one of your local cronies and take a nice hot bubble bath. The Alavert does work very well!