Thursday, May 11, 2006

Under The Weather

I haven't posted in a while because I just haven't felt up to it. To be quite honest, I really don't feel up to it right now. I've been stressing over some shit that has been going down at work, and now I believe it is catching up to me. I'm exhausted. My muscles are sore and I have no energy. Also, I have felt neausous for two days. I won't get into details here about my situation at work, as there is a chance that co-workers may read this.

Anyway, I'm going to lay down, but just thought I would update anyone that may be wondering where I've been.

Take care!

1 comment:

VJnet said...

I've been going through some work and personal issues lately and it is smart not to post stuff about your coworkers and work. You don't want to get dooced ( ). Hope things are getting better. - VJ

P.S. Off the subject, Jason ( ), one of my blind friends let me know that he wasn't able to leave comments on my blog because the software that he uses can't recognize the Word Verification image.