Thursday, November 09, 2006


Some times I feel kind of sick to be an American. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy that I am one, but our behavior often falls short of appropriate. By this I am referring to how we interact with people from another country or while we are in other countries.

It’s just been on my mind since last week when I saw the film Babel. The events that unfold stem from the female half of an American couple being shot while on a bus in Morocco. Because the woman shot is an American, it becomes a global news story. Because she is American, tracking down the shooter becomes top priority. Saving her life becomes top priority. Everyone (at least those that were not American or English) went out of their way for this woman based solely on her nationality. In the same movie, the Mexican immigrant that has helped raise the Americans’ children is treated w/ extreme disrespect and eventually deported.

Maybe it isn’t fair for me to be citing a film to make my point, but it’s what has made me really think about it. In reality, I know Americans who visit a foreign country and don’t bother learning any of the language. They honestly believe that the people in the country they are visiting need to cater to them; however, if that person were visiting the US, they would be expected to speak English.

Where do we Americans get off thinking in this manner? We may live in the “most powerful” country in the world, but that doesn’t mean we are superior. I’m far too often disgusted by the way we treat foreigners here simply for not being from here.

I probably didn’t express myself well enough, but I needed to get that off my chest. :)


The Persian said...

We are an egotistical selfish bunch us Yanks, no argument there.

Anonymous said...

Hey matey - just found your blog, nice one.
As I see it, the problem with Americans (you guys!) is that so many of you think you have (the best) God on your side.

When I visit the States I am always struck by just how many Americans truely believe that they and their nation was put on this world by God.

As someone who believes that there is a God who is equal to all men, it's irritating when you have a bunch of Yanks who think they're more equal than the rest of us.

God bless America. he he

gayborhood gringo said...

Bobby, you are so right. It sickens me that the majority of Americans feel that way. Personally, I can't imagine thinking that I'm superior to anyone simply because of where I was born, how much money I have or anything like that. Actually, I can't imagine thinking that I'm better than anyone.

So not all Yanks are bad! There are a few decent ones here and there. lol